Sunday 26 August 2012

How to Exercise and Get Your Life Back on Track

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to buy an expensive gym membership or have fancy weightlifting equipment. All you need is patience, perseverance and your body. Exercising should be a way of life. It will prevent your body from breaking down, and you will look and feel great. Resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, stretching, and diet are the four main components of any successful regimen.

Resistance training will help build muscle to help support your skeletal system and maintain proper posture. As previously mentioned, you don't need weightlifting machinery. There are four simple exercises that can accomplish this. Pushups and pull-ups will strengthen your chest, back, shoulders, and arms. Squats will give you toned legs and sit-ups will create a strong core that will support your lower back. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday should be focused on these four areas. Keeping track of how many reps you do is important. Setting goals gives you a sense of accomplishment to build from. Also, while it's not well known, resistance training burns fat. Your body expends a lot of calories rebuilding muscle.

Cardiovascular exercise is another important area of staying healthy. You can walk, jog, run, climb stairs, or play a sport. Any activity that gets your heart rate up for an extended period of time is excellent. Do this on Tuesdays and Saturdays. You don't really need to keep track off how much running around you do, but just make sure that you are active for at least 30 minutes.

You may be wondering why Thursdays and Sundays are open. On Thursdays, light stretching should be your focus. Your neck, shoulders, arms, back, and legs should all be stretched. Working out shortens your muscles, so stretching will help prevent injuries by keeping them loose and long. Sundays are your day off. You've earned it.

To change your diet cut out fatty, salty, and processed foods. Pretty much anything that comes in a box, bag or can. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. When you go to the grocery store stick to the outside perimeter where the produce and meat departments are located. Don't forget to shop on a full stomach.

If you follow these rules, then you will succeed. Eventually, the results will come and you will look and feel great. Don't worry about the scale, it's just a number. Exercising shouldn't be boring. Mix things up and have fun!

Sokun is a health guru. His blog is about finding a job but he also has many articles containing Health related issues and tips.

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